Amnesty International accuses Western nations of human rights abuses

Staff Reporter

Amnesty International (AI) has levelled serious accusations against powerful Western nations, pointing to a "watershed moment for international law amid flagrant rule-breaking by Governments and corporate actors."

The human rights organisation's Annual Report 2023/24 paints a grim picture of the state of global human rights, citing multiple instances where these nations have not only neglected but actively undermined international law, leading to severe human rights violations.

Amnesty International’s Secretary General, Agnès Callamard, highlighted the profound impact of these actions.

"Powerful Governments have cast humanity into an era devoid of effective international rule of law, with civilians in conflicts, paying the highest price,” said Callamard.

The report detailed how these nations, which were instrumental in establishing the post-World War II system of international law, are now contributing to its breakdown, significantly affecting global peace and the protection of human rights.

The organisation criticised the role of these powerful western countries in escalating conflicts and their direct involvement in human rights violations, particularly pointing out the USA’s use of its veto power to paralyse UN Security Council actions needed for peace initiatives while continuing to support contentious military actions.

Callamard expressed severe disappointment on how these actions betray the founding values of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

"The confounding failure of the international community to protect thousands of civilians in conflict zones makes it patently clear that the institutions set up to uphold human rights are no longer fit for purpose,” she remarked.

The AI report also warned of the dangers posed by the unchecked advancement of technologies such as artificial intelligence and facial recognition, which have been used to entrench discrimination and suppress dissent.

"In an increasingly precarious world, the proliferation and deployment of such technologies are supercharging violations of international law and human rights to exceptional levels," Callamard added.

Amnesty International called for urgent reforms to international institutions and legislative measures to reign-in the misuse of technology by state and non-state actors.

Political commentator Getrude Mhlanga said that Amnesty's stark revelations underscore the pressing need for a global recalibration of how human rights are protected and promoted, insisting that without significant changes, the deterioration of global human rights will continue unchecked.

“The report served as a sobering reminder of the ongoing challenges in the fight for human rights and the need for sustained international efforts to address these systemic issues,” said Mhlanga.