Chamisa attempts to sell a dead horse to the electorate

Political Reporter

Political commentators have lambasted the pre-planned launch of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) in January by labelling it a melodious attempt to sell a dead horse.

Responding to comments made by CCC interim Deputy Spokesperson Gift Siziba, Dr Tino Bosha an independent political analyst said that, the so called CCC official launch in January is nothing short of a carnival in which all are expected to see but none will gain any material value in critical areas like Mugwazo and factionalism.

“Running a political party is complex business; CCC cannot just wish away failures in projects like Mugwazo, or factional problems between Maruva cabal and Chamisa because of a party launch.

“Chamisa and his deputies must first find solutions to their differences, plus also find a workable strategy which addresses the Mugwazo project. Failure to address these critical issues will only result in launching a dead political horse branded in a yellow jersey,” Bosha said.

In another interview, a well placed CCC official suggested that launching of the party was only for show as there were neither new nor any major changes to be announced. He highlighted that, Chamisa’s fear to contest for intra-party presidency was fuelled by his fear for Charlton Hwende of the Maruva cabal.

“It is an open secret that the launch is just for show. As CCC we have various challenges but the major one is that of factionalism between Maruva cabal and Chamisa.

“Chamisa has also decided to self-endorse himself as the party’s Presidential candidate for the 2023 Harmonised General Elections, because he is aware of the threat that Hwende poses f if he were to contest internally,” said the official.

Prediction by Bosha that the party is now a dead horse is also echoed by CCC activist Hopewell Chin’ono who has also admitted on countless times that under Chamisa’s leadership, the party is set for a humiliating defeat. He based his argument on the rate at which ZANU PF is fast gaining foothold in the CCC urban strongholds whilst also widening its voter gap in the rural areas.