Bona fide NGOs have nothing to fear

Staff Reporter

President Mnangagwa has reiterated that bona fide Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) have nothing to fear as the Private Voluntary Organisation (PVO) bill will ensure that the county enters into new era of genuine philanthropic work, the Harare Post has learnt.

President Mnangagwa echoed that genuine NGOs will continue to do their good work as they have nothing to fear from the PVO bill which will soon be enacted into law.

"Bona fide NGOs have nothing to fear for they will continue with their Godly work and vocation by serving the needy and the poor, thus augmenting the many safety nets Government has put in place," said President Mnangagwa.

Public Policy specialist Farai Mungwazi applauded the Government for coming up with such a policy saying it would ensure that NGOs will not engage in nefarious activities of regime change. Mungwazi also went on to note that the PVO bill will strive to make sure that NGOs are not abused by other States to achieve sinister motives.

"The PVO bill is a step in the right direction as it will help in sifting out bad elements in the NGO sector. NGOs have been for long used by regime change promoters and they have been used as conduits of regime change activities in Zimbabwe. Hence the Government has done a good job in coming up with such a policy in order to sanitise the NGO sector," said Mungwazi.

Meanwhile, the Government continues to engage private players in infrastructure development as they complete Government efforts to surpass its target to deliver 220 000 housing units by 2025 leveraging on partnerships with the private sector and new technology in the human settlement.