Staff Reporter

Mashonaland Central Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Christopher Magomo outlined Government’s commitment to completing several key dam projects to enhance irrigation and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Speaking to this publication, Minister Magomo noted that multiple dam projects, including Simwa Dam in Rushinga, Mbada Dam in Manicaland, Bindura Dam, and Dande Dam, are currently under construction.

“These dams are expected to provide extensive downstream benefits and significantly increase the area under irrigation, especially in regions previously devastated by El Niño-induced droughts,” he said.

Magomo stressed the importance of completing these projects to ensure sustainable agricultural practices that combat the adverse effects of climate change.

“The completion of these dams will also help us address the adversities of climate change. We are lobbying vigorously for their completion, as this will enable the expedited implementation of irrigation schemes,” he added.

Magomo also emphasized the importance of collaboration between the Government, private sector, and international partners to ensure the successful completion of these projects.

“We are committed to fostering partnerships that will drive these projects forward. The support from various stakeholders is crucial in achieving our goals and securing a sustainable future for Zimbabwe’s agriculture,” he said.

Meanwhile, Simwa Dam in Rushinga, once completed, is expected to provide a reliable water source for thousands of hectares of farmland, boosting agricultural productivity in the region.

Similarly, Mbada Dam in Manicaland will enhance irrigation capabilities and support local communities that heavily rely on farming for their livelihoods. Bindura Dam and Dande Dam are also poised to offer substantial benefits, including improved water management and increased agricultural outputs.

The push for dam construction and irrigation development aligns with Zimbabwe’s broader strategic objectives, including the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1), which aims to propel the country towards becoming a prosperous and upper-middle-income nation by 2030.


Staff reporter

Government has expressed immense satisfaction with the progress made so far in preparations for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) summit, slated to take place in Harare this August. The country has put a strong emphasis on preparatory works, particularly focusing on the infrastructure leading to the New Parliament Building, the venue of the Summit.

Staff Reporter

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… As Zimbabwe prepares to host the SADC Summit

Reporter Staff

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