ED breathes life into Eureka Mine

by Brightface Mutema

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has given Eureka mine in Guruve, Mashonaland Central and the community at large, a reason to yearn for yet another day on this mother earth by officially reopening it.

Eureka mine was closed about 18 years ago yet it had some very rich and rewarding gold ore.

Speaking at the official re-opening of the mine, the mine’s General Manager, Mr Mark Evans said that he was overjoyed by the efforts of President Mnangagwa. He said that he was upbeat about the prospects of the mine in turning around the fortunes of the Guruve community and the nation at large.

“The company will surely reap from this re-investment given that the mine’s life expectancy is estimated at a further 17 years”, said Mr Evans.

At its peak, the mine is expected to produce about 150kgs of gold every month. To this, Mr Evans posited that it made a good economic project for the nation.

Mr Evans said, “The value of this mine is more than the tax proceeds that the Government expects to get but goes further to the general improvement in the livelihoods of the people of Guruve in particular and the upstream and downstream benefits to related industries.”

It was thus understandable when the President left everything else to inspect and personally launch such business projects. It is the thrust of President Mnangagwa’s Government to prioritise economic programmes before anything else.