MDC to train close protection security

by Christopher Makaza

Opposition MDC led by Nelson Chamisa is set to train members of the Vanguard in close protective security (CPS) in South Africa, Harare Post has learnt.

According to a contact within the opposition party, a South African Company called Nitrous Security will train the Vanguard members equipping them with tactics and strategies to fight security forces whenever they want to thwart their unsanctioned violent demonstrations. The team will also be taught intelligence gathering techniques and recruitment targeting mainly disgruntled ZANU PF members and civil servants.

Nitrous Security was established in Seaview, Port Elizabeth South Africa and specialises in armed response, monitoring of alarm systems and guarding (armed and un-armed).

 The training programme is reportedly funded by a Brazilian company called Atlas which is headquartered in England.Contact revealed that Atlas Communications, Sales and Marketing Director Vincent Balcom was recently in the country to discuss on the coordinatation and financing of the training programme. He said Balcom met with MDC officials at Morgan Richarrd Tsvangirai House where he also promised to fund the opposition party`s campaign activities ahead of the 2023 general election. Balcom, however, expressed concern over divisions rocking MDC which he reportedly said were likely to affect them in the coming election.

Contact further revealed that on March 16 in Glenview, there was a registration exercise of the people to be trained which was spearheaded by Vanguard leader, Shakespear Mukoyi and Tongai Musarara. The registration exercise demanded information such as  academic qualifications, contact details and next of kin. They were also made to sign the ‘official secrecy act’.

The programme according to the source, is targeting people with degrees in Political Science and Public Administration.

During the registration exercise, Mukoyi said MDC was putting in place measures that would ensure that President Emmerson Mnangagwa does not finish his term of office, and strategies to that effect will be part of their training programme.

According to contact, some names shortlisted for the training programme include; Tatenda Makanza, Prosper Ruzive, Migel Noel Munyengeterwa, Mbekezeli Twala, Flexi and Tafadzwaishe Magaisah.

Also on the list are; Mathew Tawana Muzhinyu, Comfort Tapera, Tatenda Ruzengwe, Erica Chafanza and Rodgers Mapondera among others.

Meanwhile Chamisa has set up a hit squad in Mbare being led by his young brother Starman Chamisa

This is not the first time the MDC has been involved in such trainings with a view to unconstitutionally overthrow President Mnangagwa`s Government. Last year a Serbian national Srdja Popovic`s Centre for Applied Non-violent Action and Strategies, (CANVAS) organisation trained some MDC elements and civic society activists in Zimbabwe in the Maldives to topple a  government. CANVAS has of late been involved in the mobilisation of small groups of Zimbabweans to leada mass uprising against the Government.

Meanwhile Popovic has also been at the centre of training anti-government activists from his native Serbia to Sudan, Swaziland, Venezuela, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Burma, Vietnam, Belarus, Syria, and Somalia.