Zimbabweans looking forward to Independence Day celebrations

By Tendai Matunhu

Zimbabweans continue to remember and celebrate the country’s independence, despite Government suspending all national gatherings including the country’s 40th Independence Celebrations initially set for Bulawayo, in the wake of COVID 19 pandemic, the Harare Post can reveal.

The postponement of the independence celebrations follows, the announcement by President Emmerson Mnangagwa banning public gatherings and a compulsory national lockdown following the COVID19 outbreak in March.

“Government has decided to postpone, curtail or cancel public events, gatherings and meetings. In that respect Government has postponed the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF), all national independence celebrations previously planned and pending international sporting fixtures until the frenzy of coronavirus recedes,” said the President.

With just four days to go before the country celebrates its hard won independence, citizens are looking forward to it as they believe it reminds them of how Zimbabweans were released from the shackles of the Ian Smith regime.

Zimbabwe Congress of Students Union (ZICOSU) National Executive posted on his twitter handle that,“As we draw towards Independence day, let us as a nation self-introspect where we came from, how others sacrificed their lives for us to be free. Hence the ZICOSU national leadership and its members celebrate 40 years of independence from the bondage of the smith regime.

“Zimbabwe’s independence came with a lot of agony and paroxysm. Sacrifices were made and our independence cannot be understood ambiguously. The Pistol and the Riffle led to our sovereignty, freedom and independence. Ndiro Gidi, rakasunungura nyika yedu yeZimbabwe,” they said.

Speaking to this publication one citizen Tichaona Musemwa said “Covid19 cannot stop us from remembering the heroes that fought for our freedom. We should just remember that as we stay home and honour them. We are who we are because of those heroes.”

With just days before the country celebrates its independence it is also an opportune time to marvel at Zimbabwe’s transformations. This year’s independence celebrations are running under the theme ‘Zimbabwe at 40-defining the decade towards 2030.’