We will not give you a cent-MDC A told

Political Reporter

The MDC Alliance members based in Namibia have vowed not to financially assist that party ahead of 2023 until financial books are audited and the treasurer general David Coltart allowed to handle financial matters in the party.

A source within the MDC Alliance told this publication that last week, the MDC Alliance secretary general Charlton Hwende met with party members in Windhoek, Namibia and begged them to donate money towards party programmes. Hwende told members that the party’s coffers were in the red and he urged the members in Namibia to at least raise R1 million towards the 2023 presidential fund.

However, Hwende was told that they should not expect anything from the members in Namibia until that party’s financial books were audited.

“Hwende addressed us last week and begged us to mobilise at least R1 million towards party programmes. He told us that part of the money would be used to sponsor Nelson Chamisa’s presidential bid and some rural mobilization programme. However, we told Hwende that we will not give them a cent until they audit financial books. They need to convince us first that the donated money will not be abused again as the case now,” said the source.

The source added that Hwende was quizzed why he was always handling financial matters when the party had a treasurer general, David Coltart.

“We told Hwende that he should stick to his administrative role and allow Coltart to handle financial matters. If the party wants money from us, they should allow the treasurer general to lead the fund raising team instead of letting anyone handle the party’s purse,” added the source.

The same source said people in the diaspora were now skeptical in financially partnering with the MDC Alliance considering various stories of abuse and misappropriation of funds within that party. The source added that reports of MDC Alliance living a luxurious life and buying properties using party funds had disheartened some members who are now hesitant to donate towards party programmes.

Efforts to get a comment from Hwende were futile as his mobile phone was not reachable.