War vets welcomes induction workshop

Staff Reporter

The ZANU PF War Veterans League executive members have welcomed the induction workshop currently on-going at the Party’s headquarters as it would help sharpen their mobilisation skills ahead of the forthcoming elections.

A war veteran, Cde Francis Zindongo told this publication that war veterans were a vital cog of the Party and the workshop came at the right time as it will help prepare for the elections.

“This workshop came at the right time as it will equip the war veterans with vital mobilisation skills ahead of the elections. Working in close collaboration with other Leagues of the Party, war veterans will come up with strategies to  sharpen the Party’s mobilisation strategies so that our grassroots are better equipped to guard, defend and preserve our independence, democracy, sovereignty and territorial integrity,” said Cde Zindongo.

Another war veteran, Mejury Chimusiwo warned opposition parties that war veterans had a task to safeguard the gains of the liberation struggle and they can only do that by supporting ZANU PF.

“We got that political power. We were the force behind getting that political power. So any political party that is going to discuss about the desire for political power is misguided. What opposition political parties should do is to contribute towards economic development, because this is the stage of the revolution in which we are and that way it will be acceptable. Not political power. No one in this country will ever expect the war veterans to accept anything rather than what we achieved. So we are going to defend that power by voting for ZANU PF. We have no option because that is what we yielded out of our own sacrifices,” said Cde Chimusiwo.

Meanwhile, ZANU PF secretary for War Veterans’ affairs, Cde Douglas Mahiya yesterday urged Zimbabweans to remain vigilant and guard against infiltration so that ZANU PF would win resoundingly in the coming elections.