Sikhala's departure from CCC sends shockwaves through Chamisa's camp

Staff Reporter

Job Sikhala's announcement, yesterday, of his resignation from the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), has sent tremors through Nelson Chamisa's political camp, sparking fears of the emergence of Sikhala's own political party.

Sources within Chamisa's inner circle revealed a palpable sense of unease, with concern mounting over the possibility of Sikhala garnering support from Western embassies and traditional opposition backers.

According to the source’s account, Sikhala's press statement caught Chamisa's camp off guard, leaving them anxious about his future political trajectory.

"Chamisa's camp is sweating bullets after Sikhala's announcement. There is a genuine fear that Sikhala may receive substantial backing from Western embassies, potentially overshadowing Chamisa's own international support," a source disclosed.

Adding to their apprehension, the conspicuous presence of numerous representatives from Western embassies during Sikhala's press conference has further fuelled speculation within Chamisa's camp.

"The sight of diplomats from Western nations has raised alarms. There is a growing concern that Sikhala may secure more international backing than Chamisa, which could shift the political landscape," the source continued.

While Chamisa's camp had anticipated Sikhala's declaration to align with the former CCC leader’s political endeavours, Sikhala's silence on the matter has left room for conjecture.

"We were expecting Sikhala to announce his departure from the CCC and his alliance with Chamisa. His silence on the matter suggests he may be contemplating his own political path," the source remarked.

Political analyst, Leopold Chakanyuka, weighed in on Sikhala's press conference, suggesting that Sikhala's departure signifies more than just a break with the CCC but a definitive split from Chamisa as well.

"Sikhala's announcement yesterday not only signifies his exit from the CCC but also signals a rupture in his alliance with Chamisa. This move could potentially erode Chamisa's support base, as Sikhala is likely to draw supporters to his own political formation," Chakanyuka opined.

Meanwhile, amidst the political upheaval, Zimbabweans have voiced criticism against Sikhala, accusing him of imitating the accent and attire of the late South African President, Nelson Mandela. Many argue that Sikhala should not attempt to elevate his political status to the stature of President Mandela.