Citizens applaud Govt's transformation of RGMI Airport

Staff Reporter

Citizens across Zimbabwe are applauding the monumental transformation underway at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport (RGMIA) in Harare, saying that the initiative is a testament to the Government’s commitment to improving infrastructure in the country.

Estina Tomu, a frequent traveller, commended the Government for prioritizing the upgrade of RGM International Airport.

"I commend the Government's commitment to prioritizing the upgrade of RGMI Airport. This initiative not only showcases dedication to advancing infrastructure but also underscores a broader vision for Zimbabwe's future as a global contender," said Tomu.

Businessman, Robert Moyo echoed Tomu's sentiments, emphasizing the impact of the upgraded RGM International Airport on the business landscape.

"The modernization of RGMI Airport is a game-changer for Zimbabwe. Improved connectivity and infrastructure will undoubtedly facilitate smoother trade relations and bolster economic growth," said Moyo.

Mary Chikomo, another regular traveller, expressed her excitement about the upgrades, particularly in enhancing the travel experience.

"As someone who travels often for business, I'm thrilled about the improvements at RGMI airport. It's reassuring to see our Government investing in world-class facilities that will elevate Zimbabwe's status on the global stage," she said.

A dedicated tourism enthusiast, Charles Makoni, described the revitalization of RGMI as a beacon of hope for Zimbabwe's tourism industry.

"The revamped RGMI Airport is a testament to Zimbabwe's commitment to progress and prosperity. With enhanced facilities and connectivity, we can look forward to welcoming more visitors and showcasing the beauty of our country to the world."

The decision to revamp RGM International Airport comes at a critical juncture as Zimbabwe endeavours to position itself as a regional hub for trade, tourism, and investment.

The upgraded airport, featuring cutting-edge facilities and enhanced communication systems, is anticipated to invigorate both domestic and international travel.

This surge in accessibility is poised to attract a greater influx of visitors, thereby fortifying Zimbabwe's tourism industry and catalysing economic prosperity.

Central to the airport's transformation is the expansion of its capacity to accommodate a larger volume of passengers and aircraft.

Simultaneously, a state-of-the-art radio navigation system is being installed to manage up to 200 airplanes, facilitating smoother and more efficient air transport operations.

Meanwhile, the revitalization of RGM International Airport stands as attestation to Zimbabwe's commitment to progress and prosperity, signalling a brighter future for the nation's aviation sector and broader economic landscape.