Government joins the World in commemorating International Families Day

Staff Reporter

Government has joined the World in commemorating International Families Day, with this year's focus on the vital contribution of the family unit to social and economic development, particularly in the context of climate change.

Speaking on the eve of the commemoration, the Minister of Women Affairs, Community, and Small and Medium Enterprises Development, Senator Monica Mutsvangwa, emphasised the crucial role families play as the basic unit of society.

"As a nation, Zimbabwe values the family unit and places paramount importance on its development and protection. The recognition of the family unit as a key vehicle for social and economic development by the Government of Zimbabwe is enshrined in Chapter 2, Section 25 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, which states that the State and all institutions and agencies of Government at every level must protect and foster the institution of the family and, in particular, must endeavour within the limits of the resources available to them to adopt measures for the provision of care and assistance to mothers, fathers, and other family members who have charge of children and the prevention of domestic violence," she said.

Under the theme "Families and Climate Change," Government continues to raise awareness about the impact of climate change on families and the critical role they can play in mitigation efforts.

"Through family and community initiatives, we can foster climate action with education, access to information, training, and community participation. Additionally, the Ministry is tasked to lead the national launch and commemorations of the International Day of Families. By means of this platform, information and awareness on key developmental issues such as climate change, which affect the family unit and the wider community, are disseminated.

“In collaboration with development partners and stakeholders, issues affecting families in line with the international theme of 'Families and Climate Change' will be further adopted by stakeholders and communities for mainstreaming in programme development and implementation for the greater good of the families and the nation," Senator Mutsvangwa stated.

The Minister highlighted the urgent need for more ambitious climate action to support families in adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change.

"Without drastic action, adaptation to and mitigation of the impacts of climate change will become increasingly difficult and costly. Consequently, there is an urgent need for more ambitious climate action by Government, development partners, and the private sector to strengthen the family’s role in the national climate response. Through sustainable family and community initiatives, more robust climate action can be realised for the betterment of all," added Senator Mutsvangwa.

The International Day of Families, established by the United Nations more than two decades ago, serves as a special occasion to highlight the importance of families across communities worldwide.

This year's celebrations will take place in Dotito, Mt Darwin, focusing on the critical intersection of families and climate change.