By Tendai Matunhu

In line with Government’s policy of industry revival and the need to improve public transport system, CMED has submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development to resuscitate 200 non-runner FAW buses dumped at the ZUPCO depots countrywide, The Harare Post has learnt.

By Takunda Chimwaka

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has recovered 251 Police Anti-Riot Gear, this Saturday at Robinson House, corner Angwa and Kwame Nkuruma, near the MDC’s Morgan Richard Tsvangirai House (MRTH) headquarters in Harare.

By Staff Reporter

A source in the MDC has revealed that Nelson CHAMISA and other MDC leaders are furious with the MDC Security and Intelligence Department following a series of actions that reflect its incompetence. The straw that broke the camel’s back was the attack on a police officer by the party’s Security department youths on Saturday 12 October 2019 which resulted in the discovery of the MDC’s riot operations gear.