The USA’s meddling in sovereign states exposed

By Prosperity Mzila

It’s known that part of being an American President is to sign a pledge with the devil, with the responsibility to do whatever it takes to create new avenues that continue to nourish the country’s insatiable appetite for natural resources; sustaining the gigantic economy till eternity.  The other pledge is also to continue creating markets for the American products on a global scale, to include, weapons of warfare, pharmaceuticals and to create consumerist behaviour in Africa and the world for anything American.  What boggles the mind is how African opposition politicians would play into the hands of these Americans to destroy their own nations.

American Presidents though emanating from different political parties have the same ideology on the American foreign policy, it’s a straitjacket.  Every President who takes over in that Oval office has to create chaos, wars and famines in other nations especially heavily resourced African countries, the Middle East for oil and South American countries just to feed the beast. American Presidents who truthfully advocate for peace and an end to wars are assassinated in broad daylight and one such example is J. F. Kennedy. 

What is happening today in Venezuela is exactly the same as what is obtaining in Zimbabwe, and the DRC.  In a bid to effect state capture, the USA government is funding opposition leaders, to destabilise these countries and this would allow them to freely exploit its resources for nothing.   The main purpose for regime change is to enable the United States to install a government that conforms to US control as it continues to siphon the inheritance of the targeted nations’ generations to come.  In a similar fashion and hiding behind what they term democracy, the US has continuously perpetuated its divide and rule modus operandi, while causing nation citizens to rise against each other, destroying property and lives.

Currently, the US government has targeted the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, because of Venezuela’s rich oil reserves.  Oil is one of America’s biggest imported resource, which it requires to power its industrialisation and huge motor vehicle industry.  The US is even unapologetic of its heavy industrialisation that is against what other countries are working hard to reduce, climate change.  It has even refused to be a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol agreement, which is a United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change which commits its parties by setting internationally binding emission reduction targets.  The issue is to feed the beast, that keeps taking and taking without end.

The USA has a vested interest in Zimbabwe, because of its vast mineral resources and its perfect location within the African continent.  This has been evidenced by their support for the opposition.  Just as the country was drawing nearer to its election day, founder and 1st president of the Movement for Democratic Change Alliance (MDC A) Morgan Richard Tsvangirai, died from a mysterious cancer that had suddenly attacked him.  Conveniently, a 39 year old Nelson Chamisa grabbed power unconstitutionally to become the contesting leader of the MDC A.  In a similar fashion and because of the Oil reserves in Venezuela, the US has raised a 35year old opposition leader by the name of Juan Guaido to claim the presidency, a situation that has thrown that country into chaos similar to the one obtaining in this country. 

Sanctions have been imposed to both countries and the US has chosen to call them ‘targeted sanctions’, which surprisingly enough have managed to affect even the ordinary person on the streets. It’s evident the US has intentionally been trying to cripple the two government's ability to secure funds and run the country.  There is so much discord in Zimbabwe as there is in Venezuela because of the US interference.  Todd Moss has come out in support of the opposition and calling for more sanctions under ZIDERA, the opposition leader Nelson Chamisa has also been calling for the sanctions to be tightened, dancing to the US tune.

There has been growing discontent in Venezuela, fuelled by hyperinflation, power cuts and food and medicine shortages, a situation that has led to a crisis of immense proportion. It is estimated that more than three million Venezuelans have fled their country over recent years, blaming hunger, lack of medical care, rising unemployment and violent crime.  The US modus operandi is the same, just recently Zimbabwe was cast under a dark cloud as doctors went on strike demanding increase in salaries, and medicine was in short supply, basic commodities including fuel were also in short supply, clear indicators of economic sabotage.  The whole process is meant to topple a constitutionally elected president and government,

Recently Donald Trump managed to send out a Tweet on his handle, saying, “The citizens of Venezuela have suffered for too long at the hands of the illegitimate Maduro regime. Today, I have officially recognized the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaido, as the Interim President of Venezuela.”  Can the world not see what is happening? America is on a drive to take over the world through neo-colonialism.  Its insatiable appetite to compete with China and Russia who have built relationships with Africa and other developing countries has led it to adopt inhuman methods to gain control of developing countries.

Just last week Zimbabwe experienced some violent protests that left many small to medium scale businesses destroyed and burnt to the ground.  People lost lives as the MDC Alliance Vanguard attacked innocent civilians and law enforcement agents, killing policeman on duty as well as burning police stations and other government installations.  The situation was so bad that government had to shut down the internet for a whole week in order to stop messages that were calling for continued destruction of the country’s infrastructure and perpetuating violence innocent civilians who opposed these heinous plans.  International media has been quick to spread the news across the globe accusing government without adequate information.  This is a carefully crafted operation to tarnish the government image so as so scuttle potential investors’ interest by accusing the security forces of unleashing terror on civilians, yet it is the MDC Alliance and its allies that sought to render Zimbabwe ungovernable hence the violent protests.  

The same situation is currently happening in Venezuela where the US has set out to install a person of their choosing, and have already set the ball rolling by trying to discredit or divide the security forces that seem to back the leadership of Maduro.  The US is alleging that the Venezuelan security forces are carrying out hundreds of arbitrary killings and committing serious human rights violations, a situation that is most likely to call for more sanctions.

One would like to think that the US has a template where intended opposition leaders should read from; because there is no way they can all have the same ideas and execute them in exactly the same way.  Nelson Chamisa, has on numerous times challenged the legitimacy of President ED Mnangagwa, even though it does not require a rocket scientist to know that President Mnangagwa is a constitutionally elected President, the votes and the Constitutional court confirmed it.  Meanwhile, Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido has also declared himself interim president following violent protests that rocked that nation.

Zimbabwe was once the bread basket of Africa, endowed with vast mineral resources some of which have never been explored, while Venezuela boosts of the biggest oil reserves on the planet.  This could be the pushing factor that has caused so many people to lose their lives to poverty, infirmity and orchestrated opposition violence as the US position itself to plundering these nations.