Money is the root cause of CCC fissures

Staff Reporter

The turmoil within the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has exposed a bitter truth that the party's divisions and recalls are not driven by ideology but by the far more primal force of self-enrichment.

A source deep within that party has revealed that the recalls and internal power struggles are not a fight for democratic principles, but rather a ruthless scramble for control of that party's finances.

"It's all about control and the love of money. There's a vast amount of funding available, both from donors and party coffers, and whoever controls the majority of legislators will gain access to it," a confidential source stated.

This inside information shed light on the true motives of key players like CCC interim Secretary General, Sengezo Tshabangu and CCC leader, Nelson Chamisa. He said that both leaders were aware that securing a majority in parliament would grant them access to a significant financial stream, courtesy of the Political Parties Finance Act.

The source likened the situation to a game of chess, where the party members are mere pawns sacrificed in the pursuit of financial power. He revealed that the motive of CCC leaders painted a bleak picture of that party’s internal dynamics, casting doubt on its genuineness and commitment to democracy.

Meanwhile, the internal strife within the CCC evokes memories of Thokozane Khupe's infamous 2018 statement, where she admitted that they were all (opposition politicians) in politics because of money.

“We are in politics because we want to make money,” said Khupe. Her words serve as a chilling reminder of the potential for greed and self-interest to corrupt even the noblest intentions. The fight for democracy in CCC seems to have been relegated to the background, replaced by the more immediate and seductive allure of money.