Zanu PF aims for two-thirds parliamentary majority

Staff Reporter

Zanu PF is destined towards gaining a two-third majority in parliament as the ruling party now has 144 out of 210 constituencies following a resounding victory in the 9 December, 2023 by-elections.

In an interview with this publication, political analyst Blessed Gambiza yesterday pointed out that ZANU PF continues to capitalise on the serious confusion, infighting and divisions rocking the faction-torn CCC party.

"To gain credibility, a political party must establish and nurture political structures, instill a sense of belonging for its members. Unfortunately, in Chamisa's leadership, the party appears to operate like a personal enterprise than a well-structured political entity. This perception has left the public skeptical, and the electorate increasingly hesitant to align with Chamisa leading to the recent voter apathy displayed in the just ended 9 December 2023 by-elections,” said Gambiza.

Another political analyst, Calven Chitsunge also noted that the CCC lost the by-elections because power struggles have become the order of the day.

“The leadership within CCC is currently grappling with internal conflicts and struggling to maintain control over the party. It is evident that the longstanding issue of establishing effective structures has persisted over the past four years. This failure has resulted in internal fragmentation and the emergence of divisive politics within the opposition. Power struggles have now become a prevalent theme within CCC," said Chitsunge.

Zanu PF entered the weekend race with an early lead as Pedzisai Sakupwanya took the Mabvuku-Tafara Constituency unopposed as the candidature of CCC’s member Kufahakutizwi Febion Munyaradzi was set aside by the High Court.  ZANU PF further clinched six seats, namely Binga North (Chineka Muchimba), Beitbridge West (Thusani Ndou), Bulawayo South (Rajeshkumari Modi), Cowdray Park (Arthur Mujeyi), Lupane East (Phathisiwe Machangu) and Nketa (Albert Tawanda Mavhunga), while CCC only managed two seats, Lobengula-Magwegwe Constituency (Tendai Nyathi Chitura) and Mpopoma-Mzilikazi (Charles Moyo).

The ruling party had 135 legislators and after the by-elections it has gained nine MPs setting the number of Zanu PF MPs at 144.