Skills Audit and development Ministry to tap into rural talents

Staff Reporter

The Minister of the newly established Ministry of Skills Audit and development, Professor Paul Mavhima, has announced Government’s plans to tap into the rural talents and promote skills development across Zimbabwe.

During the launch of the new ministry today, Minister Mavhima unveiled initiatives aimed at harnessing rural potential and diversifying skill sets.

“The Ministry will have a director for rural skills so we can mine out the different skills that vary in rural areas because there is the need to recognize and nurture talents across all regions,” said the Minister.

Minister Mavhima also highlighted the importance of platforms, such as District and Provincial Fares, in showcasing and celebrating diverse skills, fostering a culture of recognition and appreciation.

Moreover, Ambassador Chitiga, Secretary for Skills Audit and Development, outlined comprehensive plans to conduct a vocational training survey, aiming to assess and understand the spectrum of skills prevalent in Zimbabwe.

“Skills audit - vocational training survey is crucial to comprehend the range of skills development and skills equipped indigenously,” affirmed Ambassador Chitiga, underlining the significance of indigenous knowledge and expertise.

Furthermore, Ambassador Chitiga outlined Government’s commitment to enhancing vocational training saying that the Ministry will spearhead significant investments to review and refine vocational training policies.

“There will be a lot of investment to help review the vocational training policy to harmonize and standardize the skills,” Ambassador Chitiga highlighted.

In addition, Ambassador Chitiga articulated the Ministry’s vision of transitioning Zimbabwe from a certificate-oriented nation to one that values vocational skills, emphasizing the importance of practical skills in driving economic growth and prosperity.

 “The Ministry is focusing on moving the country from a certificate-oriented country to a vocational-skill-acquired country,” stated Ambassador Chitiga.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Skills Audit and Development’s work plan underscores a concerted effort to decentralize skill development initiatives and harness rural talents, aligning with the Second Republic’s vision of devolution and decentralization.

The launch of these initiatives mark a significant step towards inclusive and sustainable development, empowering individuals and communities to contribute meaningfully to Zimbabwe’s socio-economic advancement.