Agriculture marketing authority paves way for global market access

Staff reporter

The Agriculture Marketing Authority (AMA) is working diligently with various stakeholders to provide comprehensive market linkages locally, regionally, and internationally.

In an exclusive interview with this publication, Jonathan Mukuruba, the agri-business director of AMA, emphasised the importance of these connections, noting that they are crucial for the growth and sustainability of the sector.

"We work with Zimbabwe Mercantile Exchange and ZimTrade to promote exports of agricultural products to regional and international markets. These partnerships are vital for creating new opportunities for our farmers and ensuring that their products reach a broader audience," stated Mukuruba.

One of the significant strides made by AMA was leading a delegation of horticultural players to the prestigious Macfrut Expo in Italy. This international event provided a platform for showcasing Zimbabwe's agricultural prowess.

"As we speak, AMA led a delegation of several horticultural players to the Macfrut Expo in Italy, where our macadamia nuts, blueberries, and fruits are generating interest. Several deals were inked at the prestigious expo," Mukuruba highlighted.

AMA provides essential market linkages that connect farmers directly with markets.

"There are several benefits for farmers who work with AMA. We provide them with market linkages; we link them with markets. This connection is crucial as it allows farmers to plan their production based on market demands, thereby reducing waste and increasing profitability,” reiterated Mukuruba.

In addition to market linkages, AMA offers several farmer capacitation programmes designed to ensure that farmers produce at optimum levels.

“We offer programmes that include training and support in best farming practices, ensuring that Zimbabwean farmers are well-equipped to compete on a global stage, and advisory services and market intelligence to both farmers and the Government," Mukuruba pointed out.

Meanwhile, AMA plays a significant role in promoting the growing of strategic crops such as maize and wheat through contract farming. This initiative not only secures a stable supply of essential crops but also ensures that farmers have a guaranteed market for their produce.

In addition, AMA is responsible for the regulation of the production, processing, and marketing of agricultural products in Zimbabwe, with the exception of tobacco and piggery. Their comprehensive approach to market linkage, farmer support, and strategic crop promotion underscores their pivotal role in advancing Zimbabwe's agricultural sector.