Manhize Iron and Steel Phase 1 complete

Staff Reporter

Dinson Iron and Steel Company has completed its first phase worth a whooping $15 billion at Manhize, Mvuma.

This extraordinary performance ushers in a new era for the nation's industrial sector, cementing Dinson's position as a pioneer in innovation and quality.

Dinson's persistent dedication has resulted in a fully operational Phase 1, which includes every critical component of the facility. This significant step forward brings the ambition of a world-class iron and steel complex closer to reality, with the potential to transform the regional economy.

 An employee at Dinson, Taurai Chingoto, revealed that, “the thorough planning and execution demonstrated in Phase 1 cement Dinson's status as an industry powerhouse. Their unrelenting commitment to perfection establishes a new standard for quality and efficiency in large-scale projects.”

According to the source, phase1 of the project has a capability of producing 700 000 tonnes of steel products that care suitable for both local and export markets. Production expected to double to 1.4 million tonnes with the completion of phase 2 , 3.2million in phase 3 and reaching a staggering 5 million tonnes at the completion of phase 4 against an uptake of 1.5 in the country.

Furthermore the Steel giant seeks to employ up to 3000 workers in its phase 1 stage and expects to employ more than 10 000 employed by the time its reaches the 4th stage.

Meanwhile, a tour made by this publication revealed that, while a permanent 400kV powerline is being built, a temporary 88kV connection ensures uninterrupted operations in the interim. Dinson's 50MW onsite thermal plant strengthens power security while preparing for a smooth transition to full-scale operations. Manhize plant is set to be commissioned soon.