By Rudo Saungweme

It was a hive of activity today at Harare International Conference Centre (HICC) as small to medium businesses exhibited their products.

by Nobleman Runyanga

Many foreign currency dealers have been left nursing serious losses after the exchange rate on the parallel market took an overnight steep plunge last night following Government’s assurance of continued parity in the value of between real time gross settlement (RTGS) balances and the United States dollar.

by Christopher Makaza

The Ministry of Power Development through the Rural Electrification Fund is advocating the use of biogas in rural areas and is currently implementing various biogas digester programmes across the country.

by Zivanai Dhewa

Hwange Colliery Company Limited has suspended its Managing Director, Shepard Mananike and Finance Executive Tawanda Marapira, on charges of unethical business practices and financial improprieties, with effect from 4 October 2018.

by Bernard Mutambudzi

Art Corporation’s battery manufacturing subsidiary, Chloride Zimbabwe is now operating at 80 per cent capacity following increased volumes after restrictions introduced by Government on imported batteries under Statutory Instrument 20 of 2016 two years back.

by Rudo Saungweme

A Gweru-based ferrochrome producer Zimbabwe Alloys Limited (ZimAlloys), is engaging Zimbabwe Asset Management Company (ZAMCO) to take over its sixty million United States Dollar debt following the failure by an Indian investor, Balasore Alloys Group to fulfil its investment proposal of injecting capital to ZimAlloys.

by Christopher Makaza.

The country`s biggest shoe maker, Bata yesterday opened a new branch in Banket,  Mashonaland West Province as part of its target to open new markets in  growth points and small towns across the country.