Presidential aspirant lambasted for failing to pay maintenance

Political Reporter

Zimbabweans have lashed out at the leader of the opposition Democratic Union of Zimbabwe (DUZ) party, Robert Chapman who is reportedly failing to pay

maintenance for his children with his ex-wife.

People who spoke to this publication said that Chapman did not qualify to be a presidential aspirant as he was failing to put his life in order.

According to information received by this publication, Chapman has defaulted paying US$500 in child support for the child he sired with an American woman in 2010.

“A person who neglects his own blood should not be anywhere near state power. Chapman is failing to pay US$500 per month in child support and dreams of becoming the President of this country. Chapman should first sort out his issues with his ex-wife and support his children instead of getting into politics,” said Maria Bhunu of Chinhoyi.

Erick Mpofu said that the Chinhoyi-born Chapman had a history of abusing his ex-wife and that disqualifies him from being an ideal presidential aspirant for this year’s elections.

 “Chapman is abusive. He used to abuse his former wife leading to their divorce in 2010. He has no respect for women and children. A man who cannot take good care of his children should not be allowed to assume the presidency of the country,” said Mpofu.

One Cynthia Chimhau added that she lived near Chapman in Catoosa County in America and knew him as an impatient man who could pick a fight with anyone. Chimhau added that Zimbabweans should vote for a mature and patient politician not Chapman.

Meanwhile, Chapman’s DUZ has reportedly failed to penetrate both urban and rural areas and has resorted to conduct its electoral campaigns on social media.