Independence celebrations euphoria grips Mt Darwin

Innocent Mujeri

Excitement has gripped Mt Darwin District following the announcement by Government that the 43rd national Independence Day celebrations would be held in that district.

People of Mt Darwin who spoke to this publication said that they felt honoured to host such a prestigious event.

ZANU PF Mt Darwin District Coordinating Committee Chairperson, Cde Cletous Chiminyu, thanked the Government and President Mnangagwa for choosing Mt Darwin to host this year’s Independence celebrations.

 “Hosting the Independence Day celebrations is a great honour to people of Mt Darwin. The people of Mt Darwin sacrificed a lot during the liberation struggle. They still bear the scars of the war and awarding them the honour to host the Independence Day celebrations is a befitting appreciation for the people of the district,” said Cde Chiminyu.

Cde Chiminyu added that the people of Mt Darwin were happy to host the celebrations and said that they were volunteering to work for free at Mt Darwin High School, the venue of the celebrations.

Gogo Miriam Mukosa, a resident of Mt Darwin Chesa area, added that they had never dreamt of Mt Darwin hosting the national Independence Day celebrations as previously, all important events were confined to Harare Province. She thanked President Mnangagwa for walking the talk on leaving no one and no place behind.

 “We never thought that the people of Mt Darwin would be honoured to host the Independence Day celebrations. In the past, such important events would be hosted by Harare Province. We appreciate the President’s efforts of leaving no one behind and this is the evidence. This is a special way of recognising the sacrifices made by people of Mt Darwin during the war. I hope it doesn’t end with Mt Darwin but other remote areas would be given the chance to host national events,” said Gogo Mukosa.

Meanwhile, this year’s Independence flame will be kindled at Chibondo shrine, where hundreds of exhumed war victims’ bodies were buried. The flame would then be carried by a relay of runners to Mount Darwin Heroes Acre and then to Mt Darwin High School, the venue of the celebrations.