by Peacemaker Zano

The election period is now in full swing and most political parties are now vigorously campaigning for their candidates across the nation in preparation for the harmonised elections that are scheduled for early next week.

by Gift Mashoko

With the elections around the corner the situation in Zimbabwe is rather calm as compared to the previous years when during election period people would be forced to attend rallies and get beaten up for supporting or not supporting certain parties.

by Rudo Saungweme

The Election Day is just around the corner, many are waiting eagerly to cast their votes so as to create the Zimbabwe we all want, come 30 July 2018. Everyone is being encouraged to vote.

by Elijah Chihota

Following the demise of the MDC-T founding leader, Morgan Tsvangirai in February this year, MDC Alliance Presidential candidate, Nelson Chamisa did not waste time and strategically positioned himself to take over power by hook and crook disregarding party constitutional provisions.

by Gift Mashoko

MDC Alliance president Nelson Chamisa addressed  a press conference on Tuesday  where he threatened that his a party would take action if Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC)  does not take heed of their demands on how the printing the ballot papers was to be done. He further went on to say that they would be taking the matter to SADC to intervene in what he called a stalemate through an Extraordinary Summit.