By Rufaro Gijima

While the MDC Alliance among other opposition parties made so much noise about being involved in the electoral processes, the electoral board (Zimbabwe Electoral Commission) gladly facilitated it, however their demands are slowly becoming ludicrous and need to be contained.

by Tendai Guta

While Rural District Councils (RDCs) countrywide under the watch of ZANU PF are performing above board regarding service delivery, MDC led councils seem to be lacking in this regard.

by Sibusiso Ndlamini

Elections come and go, and with only four weeks left before the harmonised elections are held it is imperative for all political players to practise and promote peace in their campaigns so as to ensure a free, fair, credible and transparent election.

By Brightface Mutema

It now appears that with economic, political and social stability, the MDC Alliance has no more rhetoric to say and resorts to violent means in the quest to snatch an electoral victory.

by Tatenda Gono

This year’s general election has proven to be an eye catcher for Zimbabweans as well as the regional and international community at large. After 38 years since Zimbabwe realised its Independence, the harmonised elections are giving people a chance to elect another leader, other than former President Mugabe who had been on the realm since time immemorial.