WOMEN in mining have expressed concern over Government’s failure to set up supporting structures for their operations saying the gap has left them vulnerable to unfair treatment and victimisation by bigger players.

Government’s role is to monitor and regulate the domestic economy, but the private sector should play a more “robust” role in facilitating the creation of an investor-friendly environment, Finance and Economic Planning Minister Patrick Chinamasa has said.

by Brightface Mutema

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has given Eureka mine in Guruve, Mashonaland Central and the community at large, a reason to yearn for yet another day on this mother earth by officially reopening it.

by Caitlin Kamba

Opposition political activists have been rattled by President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s official opening of a Pespi plant in Harare, yesterday, which has availed employment opportunities to thousands of Zimbabweans.