Staff Reporter

…as Gvt boosts smelting capacity

Government through the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development (MMMD) is set to boost Ferrochrome production by increasing the country’s smelting capacity as the mining sector seeks to attain the US$12 billion industry target by 2023.

Staff Reporter

Government’s withdrawal of the US$50 facility that had been afforded to members of the general public to access foreign currency at the official exchange rate has been hailed, as it had become prone to abuse. The facility will now only be limited to pensioners, senior citizens, people living with disability and for medical purposes.

Staff Reporter

…As New Dispensations takes steps to revive it

Government efforts to revive the country’s industrial hub in Bulawayo is bearing fruit as most industries in Bulawayo continue to record progress.  This has been due to the New Dispensation`s drive for Vision 2030 which calls for the development of industrial hubs.

Staff Reporter

…As it surpasses revenue collection target

Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) managed to surpass its revenue collection target despite the Covid19 pandemic and a host other challenges that confronted both the nation and the Authority.

Staff Reporter

A report on the Presidential Cotton Inputs Scheme, covering 2016 to 2022, recently produced by the Cotton Company of Zimbabwe Limited reveals that thousands of households have joined the cotton industry due to free cotton inputs being given to farmers by the Government.

Staff Reporter

Government has set in motion an agriculture and rural service insurance plan to cushion farmers from losing their crops and livestock to unexpected incidents and natural disasters such as hailstorms, strong winds, dry spells and floods, which may affect crops and livestock.

Staff Reporter

The cotton crop planted under the Pfumvudza/Intwasa and the Presidential Input Support Scheme is doing well in most parts of the country with farmers optimistic of a bumper harvest, on the back of good rains the country is currently receiving.

Staff Reporter

The Tobacco Industry Marketing Board (TIMB) has announced the review of dates for the destruction of seedbeds and the need to adhere to pest and disease regulations warning that growers who fail to meet the deadline will be subjected to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars for each hectare.