by Peacemaker Zano                                     

Zimbabwe has been living in isolation from other international countries and giant multinational corporations for a long time. This has had a negative effect on the country’s social and economic growth, thereby denying it the means to positively transform itself due to lack of trading partners. 

by Claver Nyuki

There is a large number of individuals who have argued that the MDC Alliance leader, Nelson Chamisa, for all his popularity still lacks that political maturity to be a good leader, and at 40, one wonders if he will ever attain the required maturity or if that ship has long since sailed without him.

by Bevan Musoko

Contrary to repeated claims by the US and other Western Governments that provisions of the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (ZIDERA) and other punitive measures against Zimbabwe do not amount to economic sanctions on the country, a recent study by the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) on the effects of ZIDERA found that the country’s manufacturing sector lost around US$5 billion revenue in 2010. In 2015, the study found that the same sector lost US$2.1 billion in lost revenue.

by Anesu Pedzisayi

“However, in every cloud there is a silver line, Minister Coventry has been the first one to produce positive news in Mnangagwa’s cabinet. It is indeed great news, that she will soon become a parent,” Nkululeko Sibanda.

by Elijah Chihota                                                         

The ongoing cholera outbreak started on 1 September in Glen View 3, Harare and has since spread, killing 30 people with 5 463 cases having been reported to date.

by David Chandisaita

…in the end it was (Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army) ZANLA guerrilla and Professor Jonathan Moyo’s archenemy, Emmerson MNANGAGWA, trained in Chinese Military Warfare who saved ZANU PF from imminent demise.

From conducting government business in the ambit of one of Africa’s most once powerful and influential leaders, Robert Mugabe, to tweeting from the shadows of political asylum somewhere in Kenya – this is the story of the meteoric  rise and scandalous fall of Professor Moyo.

Schooled at the University of Southern California and former employee of the prestigious Ford Foundation, Professor Moyo’s, links with the CIA are unquestionable.

This is why Moyo feels safe in Kenya; this is the home of Ford Foundation in East Africa. Not only is he safe, but he’s gone back to consult with his handlers, perhaps!

At the height of factional wars in ZANU PF during a heightened Politburo meeting, President Mnangagwa, made quite a number of submissions, proving beyond doubt, Prof Moyo’s links with US authorities in Zimbabwe.

It is under this veneer of overwhelming evidence provided for by those whom he worked with, that Moyo’s objectionable stance towards the idea of reconciliation with ZANU PF can be understood.

And make no mistake it was the Prof who in the late 1990s haughtily professed that ZANU PF can only be destroyed from within, a mission he nearly succeeded at, before being obstructed at the 11th hour by former President Robert Mugabe’s long standing ally and stalwart Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa.

So in the end, unbeknown to the Prof the battle for ZANU PF was no longer a personal matter, but an ideological one. It was now the battle between the West and the Orient.

In the end it was the Orient which triumphed. Despite Moyo’s misgivings about President Mnangagwa’s administration capabilities, he must be told that there are other people working to ensure that the current administration succeeds.

Ignore the fact that America has fortified sanctions against government.

Professor Moyo naively fails to accept the fact that, it is now only President Mnangagwa who can salvage him. National Patriotic Front (NPF) National Spokesperson, Jealousy Mawarire, informed on microblogging website Twitter, that President Mnangagwa paid tuition for Moyo’s children after he went into self-imposed exile.

Recently, speaking at her mother’s funeral former first lady, Grace Mugabe, marked a turnaround in her hostility towards President Mnangagwa.

Further to which Jonathan Moyo in a circular on social media nonchalantly admitted that his relations with the Mugabe’s had reached its nadir.

Professor Moyo even in his darkest hour of political uncertainty stoically shuns President Mnangagwa’s magnanimity, which would be a blatant and unacceptable betrayal on his “handlers”.

He continues to behave like a truant pupil who erringly absconds from a teacher’s (ZANU PF) timely advice oblivious to his dispensability, betting his hopes on the vagaries of time.

by Jasper Hloka

A brief visit to the history of MDC and its pioneer leader, Richard Morgan Tsvangirai, one gets to appreciate why dead people receive more flowers than the living ones.

 by Tawanda Musariri

President Emmerson Mnangagwa turned 76 on Saturday. Born on 15 September 1942 at Mapanzure Village of Midlands Province, The President joined the liberation struggle in his small teens, rising from rank to rank until reaching the pinnacle of his political ladder after 60 years of never relenting work for his motherland.

by Nobleman Runyanga

The cholera outbreak which was reported in Harare at the beginning of this month has so far claimed the lives of 30 people  from the over 5 000 reported cases.