by Nobleman Runyanga

It is three months since this year’s harmonised election and all is not well in the MDC-T Chamisa faction. As each day passes, the faction and its leader, Nelson Chamisa, are getting to grips with the sobering reality of their electoral loss on 30 July. The opposition lot is getting more and desperate as the fear of being deserted by supporters after a record 19-year of one electoral loss after another sets in.

by Mapozho Saruchera

The most perceptive of Zimbabweans had said it during the past week – that there was going to be a circus at Gwanzura Stadium, on 27 October, dubbed the MDC –T Chamisa faction 19th anniversary celebrations. This probably explained the attendance – in this day where saboteurs are trying to derail the country’s economy – people need some humor.

by Nobleman Runyanga

This week the police gave the MDC-T Chamisa faction the go ahead to hold an event to celebrate its 19th anniversary after postponing the event over the cholera outbreak of September in Harare. While the faction’s rank and file is over the moon over the Saturday event, a critical analysis of the party’s history indicates that there is nothing to bring out celebration drums for. Not even the faction’s leader, Nelson Chamisa has any reason to rejoice let alone ordinary party folk who every five years have had to make do with definite, dizzying and dazzling defeats at the hands of the more popular ZANU PF.

by Caitlin Kamba

Wrestling was always a nail biting moment for most of us as we marvelled at the ‘choke-slams’ and the ‘RKOs’, but Zimbabwe’s economic revolution has afforded our generation a real economic wrestle mania as political bigwigs and business moguls battle to stay in the ring.

by Peacemaker Zano

The triad of social equity, economic growth and political freedom has always been the key for prosperous governments. Failure in one of the three areas, would mean an overall fail. However, the advent of the new dispensation in the country brought in many changes in the political, social and economic landscape meant to positively revive the country’s economy.

by Anesu Pedzisayi

In a bid to redress the shortages of basic commodities being faced by the country, Government resolved to amend indefinitely, Statutory Instrument (SI) 122 of 2017 to allow companies and individuals with free funds to import specified basic commodities that are in short supply.

By Elijah Chihota

When the MDC Alliance under the leadership of Nelson Chamisa realised that the 30 July elections were proving to be a tall order for them, they decided to hatch a plan to discredit the whole election as a flawed process. This explains why Chamisa become infamous for uttering the saboteur’s mantra, “ndinozvidira jecha” This was a warning of the violence that he was planning to unleash upon realising that the electoral tide was not in his favour.

by Nicole Hondo

A few senior Government officials have taken ill over the past few months, which in itself is not an unusual event. What is unusual is the birthing of a new menace in Zimbabwe which this writer opts to refer to as prophetricking.