Tatenda Mugwagwa

The emergence of a new generation of Pan-African leaders across Africa poses a significant threat to neo-colonialism, marking the end of Western dominance and the exploitation of African resources.

Innocent Mujeri

In a world that celebrates the hustle, high achievers often find themselves trapped in a cycle of overthinking that can diminish their joy and hinder their progress. While striving for excellence is commendable, the pressure to maintain structured, predictable routines can lead to mental exhaustion and a fear of the unexpected. However, the key to thriving amidst life’s uncertainties may lie in embracing the unknown and learning to navigate life without fear of failure.

Mercy Muchemwa

In the heart of Zimbabwe, a vibrant yet underutilised resource pulses with potential: the youth. Representing the future and brimming with energy, the young population holds the key to the nation's prosperity. Recognising this, Zimbabwe has fostered an initiative aimed at harnessing this potential: the National Youth Service program. This programme not only aims to mould young minds through service but also instills a profound sense of patriotism and unity, critical in shaping a cohesive national identity and driving the country forward.

Special Correspondent

The Independence Day celebration held on April 18, 2024, in Murambinda, Manicaland Province, was not just a commemoration of historical significance; it was a testament to the nation's unity and progress under the Second Republic's leadership. The event highlighted the effectiveness of inclusive development policies, drawing praise even from critics and opposition members who acknowledged the strides made in revitalising the economy.

One of the notable voices advocating for unity and celebration of Independence Day is Job Sikhala, the former CCC spokesperson. Sikhala's recent statement on his X account encapsulates a broader sentiment within the opposition, emphasising the need to critically examine the significance of the day and the importance of honouring it for the collective good.

“Good morning, all, I wish to express my view on this widely celebrated independence. From the opposition perspective, we need to examine this issue very well. Our continued failure to honour this great day might cause more harm than good to our cause. We need to respect this day,” said Sikhala on his X account. This shift in perspective reflects a growing recognition of the positive impact of the Second Republic's policies on national development.

Central to this newfound unity and appreciation is the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1), a comprehensive roadmap for economic growth and social development. The NDS1 aims to address key challenges facing Zimbabwe, including poverty, unemployment, and infrastructure deficits, by fostering inclusive and sustainable development. Its success in delivering tangible benefits to all Zimbabweans has bolstered confidence in President Emmerson Mnangagwa's administration and its commitment to leaving no one and no place behind in the economic transformation journey.

The Second Republic's approach to economic development encompasses several key initiatives that prioritise inclusivity and equitable growth.

One of the cornerstones of the Second Republic's economic agenda is infrastructure development. This includes investments in roads, bridges, energy, and telecommunications infrastructure to improve connectivity and facilitate trade and commerce across the country. By prioritising infrastructure development, the government is creating opportunities for economic growth in both urban and rural areas, leaving no place behind in the nation's development trajectory. Significant infrastructure projects involving key economic enablers in power generation, dam construction, road networks, water, and sanitation continue to improve service delivery, create jobs and transform Zimbabwe`s socio-economic landscape.

Agriculture remains a crucial sector for Zimbabwe's economy, providing livelihoods for a significant portion of the population. The Second Republic has implemented various initiatives to modernize and revitalize the agricultural sector, including support for smallholder farmers, investment in irrigation schemes, and promotion of value addition and agribusiness. These efforts are aimed at ensuring that no one is left behind in benefiting from the agricultural sector's potential to drive economic growth and food security.

The government has provided targeted support and resources to smallholder farmers, who form a significant portion of the agricultural workforce. This support includes access to improved seeds, fertilisers, extension services, and training programmes to enhance productivity and income generation at the grassroots level.

The Second Republic has recognised the importance of water management in agriculture, leading to investments in irrigation infrastructure. This includes rehabilitating existing irrigation schemes and constructing new ones to expand irrigated agricultural land, especially in drought-prone areas. Improved access to irrigation helps farmers mitigate the risks of climate variability and increase crop yields. The Sabakwenyana bridge linking Gweru, Kwekwe, and Nkayi districts has been commissioned in Lower Gweru. This will provide relief to villagers and farmers who have faced challenges with accessibility. The bridge complements other bridges in the Midlands province, extending a critical infrastructure development initiative that affirms the Government’s vision of attaining an upper middle-income society by 2030.

The government has encouraged value addition in the agricultural sector by supporting agro-processing industries and value chain development. This includes providing incentives for agribusinesses, facilitating access to markets, and promoting value-added products such as processed foods, beverages, and textiles. These initiatives create employment opportunities and add value to agricultural produce, benefiting both rural and urban populations.

Embracing modern agricultural practices and technologies, the Second Republic has promoted the use of digital tools, precision farming techniques, and mechanisation in agriculture. This technological leap enhances productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness in the sector, empowering farmers with tools to improve their livelihoods and contribute to national food security.

The government has focused on sustainable land utilization and resettlement programs to ensure equitable access to land resources. This includes land reform policies aimed at addressing historical imbalances, promoting land tenure security, and supporting land use planning for optimal agricultural productivity and environmental conservation.

In recognizing the importance of harnessing the demographic dividend, the Second Republic has prioritized youth empowerment and skills development. This includes initiatives such as vocational training programmes, entrepreneurship support, and job creation schemes targeted at young people. By investing in youth development, the government is empowering the next generation to actively participate in and contribute to the country's economic progress, leaving no one behind in accessing opportunities for personal and professional growth.

The Second Republic has created an enabling environment for investment, and business growth is crucial for economic development. The Government has undertaken reforms to improve the ease of doing business, attract foreign investment, and support local enterprises. By fostering a conducive business climate, the government is encouraging economic diversification, job creation, and income generation, thereby ensuring that no one is left behind in accessing economic opportunities. Through investment-led economic recovery, Zimbabwe continues to register positive growth, notably in mining, where new multi-million-dollar projects are being commissioned regularly.

The inclusive development of the Second Republic also requires addressing social inequalities and providing support to vulnerable groups. The Second Republic has implemented social protection and welfare programmes aimed at improving access to healthcare, education, housing, and social services. These initiatives target marginalized communities, including women, children, the elderly, and persons with disabilities, ensuring that no one is left behind in accessing essential services and support systems. These notable achievements, which are leaving no one and no place behind, have resulted in a spirit of unity amongst Zimbabweans, hence the large numbers who showed up at Murambinda B primary school in Buhera to celebrate this momentous occasion.

Overally, the Independence Day celebration in 2024 served as a moment of reflection and unity, highlighting the progress made under the Second Republic's inclusive development agenda. The success of initiatives like the National Development Strategy 1 demonstrates that economic development can be both sustainable and inclusive, leaving noone and no place behind in Zimbabwe's journey towards prosperity.

Martin Mapfumo

The manufacturing sector plays a catalytic role in a modern economy and has many dynamic benefits crucial for economic transformation. According to the DTI (2017) and Bhorat (2017), there are very few, if any, cases in economic history where a country has achieved sustained and sustainable economic development that has not been led by manufacturing.

Innocent Mujeri

As Zimbabwe eagerly anticipates the annual commemoration of Unity Day on December 22, it is a moment for us to engage in both reflection and celebration. This day is not merely a mark on the calendar, but a symbol of our nation's resilience and commitment to harmony.