Last Mukwende

The U.S and the European Union (EU) have put in place sanctions to many countries in the world for different reasons, all in the name of “priority to protect” tactic which they have made many nations to believe that really there are there to protect.

Grace Chekai

As the saying goes, empty vessels make the most noise and one can clearly deduce that come 2023, the opposition party Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) will lose the Harmonized General Elections, notwithstanding that predictions by notable think-tanks (US-based RAND corporation and UK-based Economic Intelligence Unit) have already perceived a 2023 election ZANU PF win.  ZANU PF with its mobilization of #5Million votes has already clinched a win.

Paidamoyo Mutsvairo

No one can deny that the distinguishing characteristics in the mould of President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa continue to inspire the electorate to put their trust in him and the revolutionary party.

Kaelin Choto

There are concerted efforts by Nelson Chamisa and company to present their project Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) as having hit the ground running and all-encompassing as suggested by its name. Ideally, this is a normal quest, but too many a time people who are this thirsty often get poisoned as they drink from every cup handed over to them.

Innocent Mujeri

The Holy Bible on 2 Timothy 3 verses 16 to 17 says, ‘All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work’. After listening to the recent utterances of the Citizens Coalition for Change (leader) Nelson Chamisa at his party’s rallies, I found it prudent to take it upon myself to teach the youthful Chamisa about how his speech and conduct affect his followers. It is my belief that Chamisa as a pastor, will hearken to this free sermon and repent from his wayward ways before his political career crumples.

Daphine Zulu

Under the rubric of democracy and political adventurism, politicians from MDC-Alliance continue faking abductions, this time around roping in the party’s co-vice president, Tendai Biti.