Charles Motsi

When the iconic Nobel Prize winner and theoretical physicist, Albert Einstein gave his definition of insanity, he probably had our own opposition outfit, the Citizens Coalition for (CCC) in mind.

Grace Chekai

The Private Voluntary Organizations (PVO) Bill which was gazetted on 5 November 2021, must be expeditiously enacted into a law to rein in the Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) that are now behaving like headless chickens. NGOs the business of sponsoring opposition parties in bid to push for the regime change agenda. They are now dwelling much on political interference.

Derick Tsimba

President Mnangagwa’s achievements are quite impressive as he has managed to work tirelessly to put the countries interest first regardless of challenges the country faces economically to fulfil his mandate on development. Much of the President’s work can be revealed in his contribution towards infrastructure development in the country, from the completion of the New Parliament building, construction of Gwai-Shangai Dam, modernisation of Harare-Beitbridge highway and construction of Hwange Unit 7 and 8, all these are some of the examples of the results of President Mnangagwa’s initiative to turnaround the economy of Zimbabwe.

Bruce Zvandasara

There is an African adage which goes, “old habits die hard” which is used to mean that people are more often reluctant to change their way of doing something even if they tried hard to present themselves as having divorced their old self.

Kaelin Choto

When the time is right, I the Lord will make it right. Zimbabwe is certainly living the biblical verse at a time some political demagogues in all shapes and sizes are agitating for far more crises and disharmony on her.

 Mukachana Hanyani

In 2008, at the height of the inflationary environment, which was followed by price increases by the business community in the country, the Government came up with the price controls initiative to protect consumers from unprecedented price increases.

Rungano Dzikira

One of the greatest dilemmas of Zimbabwean politics is the sordid pursuit for political mileage by opposition parties, at the expense of lies, and portraying themselves as victims of the system.

Innocent Mujeri

Last week, the mainstream media as well as some digital platforms were awash with news of Simba Chikanza, the editor of the online publication Zimeye, who was attempting to blackmail the First Lady Amai Auxillia Mnangagwa into granting him an interview.