Derick Tsimba

The engagement and re-engagement efforts by President Emmerson Mnangagwa are continuing to bear fruit following the cemented efforts by the President to ensure that the economic and political impasse is solved for Zimbabwe to once again return to its prime days of economic glory.

Charles Motsi

Revolutions that resonate with the masses like those of the Chinese and Cubans, spread like wildfire and could not be stopped until set objectives were met. This was because at their core, the objectives of the people were intertwined with those of the revolutionaries.

Mukachana Hanyani

Some people have been wondering the whole time, why President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa is called a “Listening President.” The description, which has grown to become his second nickname after the world-famous one, ED, was derived from his knack for making swift interventions to issues that the nation would have raised.

Chigumbu Warikandwa

April 21 was set as the national census night for 2022. That night was important to capture everyone based on where one slept. That would capture almost everyone except those who slept in other places such as hotels, cars in transit, jails, hospitals and so forth. The exercise went smoothly and was the first to be conducted using electronic gadgets.

Charles Motsi

Nelson Chamisa has been on the Zimbabwean political scene for over two decades now and he has managed to rise through the ranks of opposition politics because of his unique ability to woo crowds with his outrageously false campaign promises.

Chigumbu Warikandwa

The election has come and gone. The opposition, whose house continues to burn unabated, has reclaimed the majority of the seats it needlessly created vacancies in, gobbling scarce national resources in the process. All the opposition fuss about rigging by the electoral body, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has proven to be nothing but hot air and bottled smoke.

Grace Chekai

The leader of the newly formed Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC), Nelson Chamisa continues to peddle lies and falsehoods at his rallies and people should take him seriously at their own peril. As the nation prepares for the upcoming 26 March By-Election Chamisa has upped the ante in politicking for publicity purposes and is averse to tackling real issues that affect the people.